Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Same Sex Surrogacy Journey on BBC Inside Out - Surrogacy is an option for same sex couple!

BBC Inside Out South, short piece on an American-British gay couple, Grant and Eric, who (having been blocked from adoption because of Grant's cancer history) pursued surrogacy in the States, resulting in twins.

Youtube link

Surrogacy is an option - Dream do come through with Weecare Surrogacy http://www.weecaresurrogacy.com/

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Gay marriage opponents plan to fight paid surrogacy in 2013

A leader of the effort to defeat same-sex marriage in Washington is gearing up for a 2013 legislative fight against paid surrogacy.
Surrogacy is the idea that a woman will carry a child to term with the understanding that it will be raised by other parents.Surrogate contracts are generally allowed in our state, but contracts for compensation beyond basic expenses are prohibited. Washington's Uniform Parentage Act makes it clear that "No person, organization, or agency shall enter into, induce, arrange, procure, or otherwise assist in the formation of a surrogate parentage contract, written or unwritten, for compensation."Surrogates in Washington now may be compensated only for direct expenses, such as medical or legal bills.Several legislators tried to change the law in 2011, but a measure that would have allowed for a more generous compensation of surrogates failed.



Surrogacy news - Dream do come through with Weecare Surrogacy http://www.weecaresurrogacy.com/

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Who's Mom? Legally, biologically, it's no easy answer

In a classic 1960 children's book, a baby bird toddles up to one critter after another asking, "Are you my mother?"
For some babies today, there's no simple answer - biologically or legally.
Advances in artificial reproductive technologies, mean a baby could have three "mothers" - the genetic mother, the birth mother and the intended parent, who may be a woman or a man.
Mother here may not be mother there. Mother now may not be mother later. Statutes on surrogacy, adoption, divorce and inheritance vary state by state, court by court, decision by decision. For non-traditional couples, the patchwork of laws makes it even more complex. New York allows gay marriage but forbids surrogacy, while Utah permits surrogacy but bans gay marriage.


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