Friday, September 13, 2013

Surrogacy India via Weecare surrogacy

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

This is the end of our Mumbai adventure…

…but the beginning of a new one as we have made it back home! In this post (which may possibly be the last one), I will describe what happened with the FRRO (Foreigner Regional Registration Offices). Well, surprisingly, not much happened. We went to the FRRO to apply for an exit permit for our little bundle of Joy. The whole process only took us about 30 minutes. One working day later, our exit permit was granted. The catch was that the exit permit was only valid for 2 days and all the flights were fully booked, except for one which was scheduled to leave only a few hours after our exit permit was granted. Our adrenaline went up, we packed as fast as we could, and we took off. The end. We are exhausted but very happy about beginning a new chapter. Those who know me personally will be able to follow my new adventures on my personal blog.